Wednesday, November 3, 2010

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Well, this is how it all started.I have no idea why I suddenly have the feeling to get into all the cooking and baking stuffs.Weird huh..I went to my mum's friend's place on Saturday morning.Just to get some recipes.Then I learned how to make homemade spaghetti.Its kinda cool.Her house has a different feeling to it.It feels so American in it.Maybe its because of the cool gadgets she use to cook.
She explain the methods and ingredients needed for the pasta and its actually kinda simple to make it.We just need some kinda of special flour and a machine that helps us string the spaghetti.Whereas the sauce was even easier.Just onions and tomato chunks and puree for tomato sauce, and onions and whipping cream for Carbonara sauce.
Then we learned how to bake a cake call Orange Poppy Seed Cake.Yum its delicious but I didn't get the chance to write down the recipe.Maybe I'll get it from her when I can.Lastly is the apple salad with walnut.Just add in the veges you want,walnut and the sauce then its done.Maybe I'll post the recipes on my blog.
After that, we ate what she prepared and gosh its delicious.Then I remember about Annycia asking me about whether I know how to make meringue, so I ask my mum's friend for the recipe.Its so simple.Silly me for thinking how complicated it is.So meringue is in my list on what to make during the holidays.Jason will then be my guinea pig..hee.(:
Annycia! Im gonna make it.
this are the food she prepared